Video: Introduction to module 1



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In Module 1 we talk about some important topics that we will study in this MOOC, namely our online course. Thus, you can start to understand how to teach a language and how to use the task-based method, which is the most important topic of our course.

Method means "way of teaching". 

The task-based method is also called TBLT (meaning task-based language teaching). From now on we will call the task-based method this: TBLT.

In this module we discuss 3 topics:

  1. non-formal education;
  2. foreign language teaching and TBLT;
  3. language awareness.

What do these words mean?

    • Non-formal education means learning in an organised way outside school.

You can do non-formal education in different ways. For example, if you attend a computer course in an association, you do non-formal education. You study, even if you are not in school!

With non-formal education you take your time, and study the things that interest you. Non-formal education has many advantages when you teach a foreign language.

Therefore, in this module we discuss the advantages of non-formal education for teaching a foreign language

    • Teaching foreign languages means explaining to a person how to speak a foreign language. There are many methods for teaching a foreign language.

TBLT is a language teaching method that uses many aspects of non-formal education.

So, in this module we talk about language teaching in general and TBLT.

    • Language awareness means knowing the rules of a language very well.

 It is important to know your language well if you want to become a teacher.

So, in this module we answer two questions: how can you become a language teacher? How can you know your language better and teach your language well to others?


Now let's see how this MOOC works. Our MOOC is divided into 5 modules. The 5 modules have the same form.

  • At the beginning there is an introductory quiz. This quiz is very useful. In fact you can see if you already know the topics you will study in the module. Don't worry if you can't answer the questions. You will study everything in the module;
  • In each module you can study with video lectures, small activities and quizzes;
  • At the end of each module, you will find two very important pages: the first page is called 'Glossary'. In the glossary you will find a list of important words that you need to know in order to be a good language teacher. The second page is called "Tips and Strategies". This page contains practical tips for being a good teacher;
  • At the end of each module there is a small final test. This test is to find out what you have learnt in the module.

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