Topic outline
Module 1: An introduction to non-formal approaches to foster language learning
This module will help you to understand the principles and the importance of using non-formal methodologies within the frame of Task-Based Language teaching, as well as some basic ideas of the TBLT methodology and the characteristics of being a language teacher.
Module 2: Language teaching and ICT
This module will make you familiar with both online and offline ICT tools that can be useful components into language learning practices. The skills language practitioners will gain by integrating forms of technology into their teaching activities can help them to effectively apply TBLT procedures.
Module 3: TBLT Curriculum
This module will help you to understand which the process to design a TBLT curriculum in a non-academic setting is. It will guide you through identifying the needs and language levels of your learners, selecting your tasks, setting your goals, and designing your tasks in order to enable you to teach your mother language to others.Module 4: TBLT in Classes
This module will be a scenario based lesson to understand the obstacles and learn strategies for implementing the TBLT method in your classroom.
Module 5: Task-based assessment in TBLT
Welcome to Module 5, an introduction to task-based assessment in TBLT. In this final module we will introduce some concepts connected to this important component of language teaching and learning.