Glossary module 5
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A |
AccuracyThe degree of conformity to a correct or precise
value, truth, fact or standard: it is the state of being correct, precise or
exact. | |
E |
Evaluationrefers to the process of utilizing assessment results to gauge and support learning, teaching and program development. Evaluation can take place at four levels:
| |
F |
Fluencyis an assessment category or criterion most commonly associated with
features of speech delivery, such as delivery rate, number of pauses and repetitions, and frequency
of breakdowns and self-corrections. In the assessment of writing skills, writing fluency is most often
measured by the composition rate, along with other indicators, such as the number of words
correctly spelled, sentences written, holistic rating, and so on. | |
N |
Needs analysisIn the context of second language assessment, needs analysis is the
intentional process of collecting data to support curriculum design. | |
P |
Peer assessmentthe assessment by language learners ('peers') of each other’s work to a standard provided by a teacher or as determined by the learners. Peer assessment in language education is commonly used in pairs or small groups to encourage learners to develop the ability to critically review their own and others' language and to foster autonomous learning skills. | |
R |
Reflective practicerefers to the process teachers should follow to rethink their knowledge of teaching and learning while reflecting on their practices so as to avoid mistakes and repetitions. This reflection allows them to understand how their knowledge and beliefs intertwin in their daily practice. | |
S |
Self-assessmentrefers to the ability of language learners to assess their own performance to identify their strengths and weaknesses in the learning process. Self-assessment has been proven useful for promoting learner autonomy and is often used for formative purposes. | |
T |
TaskFor both TBLT and TBLA, a classroom task is defined as an activity that is goal-oriented; is content-focused; has a real outcome; and reflects real-life language use and language needs. | |
Task based language assessmentis the elicitation and evaluation of language use (across all modalities) for expressing and interpreting meaning, within a well-defined communicative context (and audience), for a clear purpose, towards a valued goal or outcome. | |