Module 5: Task-based assessment in TBLT
Welcome to Module 5, an introduction to task-based assessment in TBLT. In this final module we will introduce some concepts connected to this important component of language teaching and learning.
5.1 Introduction to the module
Learning Objectives
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
- give constructive feedback
- self-reflect on your own teaching practice in order to grow as a professional
5.2 Giving Feedback
In this section, you will learn more about feedback and the most suitable methods to use in class.
5.3 Assessing Your Own Performance
In this section you will become familiar with reflective practice and understand how important it is for you as a teacher.
Optional topics about assessment in TBLT
There is a lot to learn and say about assessment in TBLT language lessons. Though not everything is necessary right from the start, you can find here additional topics that have to do with assessment, approaches and advanced theory and activities that can help you finetune your assessment skills.
Summary of the module